Aveiro University, Portugal
Makhloufi, N.; Chougui, N.; Rezgui, F.; Benramdane, E.; Silvestre, A J.D.; Freire, C.S.R.; Vilela, C. Polysaccharide-based films of cactus mucilage and agar with antioxidant properties for active food packaging. Polym. Bull. 2022, doi:10.1007/s00289-022-04092-7.
Silva, A.C.Q.; Silvestre, A.J.D.; Vilela, C.; Freire, C.S.R. Natural polymers-based materials: a contribution to a greener future. Molecules 2022, 27, 94, doi:10.3390/molecules27010094.
Freire, C.S.R.; Vilela, C. Advanced Nanocellulose-based materials: production, properties and applications. Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 431, doi:10.3390/nano12030431.
Almeida, T.; Moreira, P.; Sousa, F.J.; Pereira, C.; Silvestre, A.J.D.; Vilela, C.; Freire, C.S.R. Bioactive bacterial nanocellulose membranes enriched with eucalyptus globulus labill. leaves aqueous extract for anti-aging skin care applications. Materials 2022, 15, 1982, doi:10.3390/ma15051982.
Pedro, S.N.; Mendes, M.S.M.; Neves, B.M.; Almeida, I.F.; Costa, P.; Correia-Sá, I.; Vilela, C.; Freire, M.G.; Silvestre, A.J.D.; Freire, C.S.R. Deep eutectic solvent formulations and alginate-based hydrogels as a new partnership for the transdermal administration of anti-inflammatory drugs. Pharmaceutics 2022, 14(4), 827.
Vilela, C.; Freire, C.S.R. Advanced Nanocellulose-Based Materials: Production, Properties and Applications; Https://, Ed.; MDPI, 2022; ISBN 9783036531915.
Article recently published
Cláudia Nunes; M. Filomena de J. Raposo; Sílvia Petronilho; Fernanda Machado; Rita Fulgêncio; M. Helena Gomes; Dmitry V. Evtuguin; Sílvia M. Rocha; Manuel A. Coimbra (2022) Cinnamomum burmannii decoction: A thickening and flavouring ingredient, LWT – Food Science and Technology 2022(153):112428.
This article was published in LWT where it was hypothesized that that C. burmannii polysaccharides are responsible for the high viscosity (1545 cP) of its aqueous extracts when compared to C. verum (51 cP), thus preventing C. burmannii broad usage in food industry. In this work, the hot water-soluble polysaccharides from C. burmannii were structurally characterized, using C. verum for comparison. The results showed that C. burmannii had a higher content of branched arabinoxylans in relation to C. verum. The partial mild acid-hydrolysis performed to C. burmannii allowed to reach a viscosity value near to the C. verum solutions, keeping the characteristic aroma profile of cinnamon by the predominance of cinnamaldehyde and other varietal compounds, namely mono and sesquiterpenoids. Therefore, C. burmannii can be used as flavouring and thickening agent, whereas low viscosity products can be obtained by a partial acid-hydrolysis, contributing to its wide application in the food industry.
University of Jena, Germany
IMT Mines Alès, France
List of published articles
Valentin Carretier, Monica Francesca Pucci, Clément Lacoste, Arnaud Regazzi, J. Lopez-Cuesta. An efficient solution to determine surface energy of powders and porous media: Application to untreated and treated lignin. Applied Surface Science, Elsevier, 2022, 579, pp.152159
Raissa Martins, Simone Pereira da Silva Ribeiro, Michelle Jakeline Cunha Rezende, Regina Sandra Veiga Nascimento, Marco Antonio Chaer Nascimento, et al.. Flame-Retarding Properties of Injected and 3D-Printed Intumescent Bio-Based PLA Composites: The Influence of Brønsted and Lewis Acidity of Montmorillonite. Polymers, MDPI, 2022, 14 (9), pp.1702
Rodolphe Sonnier, Oumaima Belkhane, Laurent Ferry, Laurent Aprin, Pierre Delot, et al.. Fire behaviour of hemp, clay and gypsum-based light biobased concretes and renders. Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier, 2022, 331, pp.127230
Jamila Taibi, Sophie Rouif, Jean-Louis Clément, Rodolphe Sonnier, Bruno Ameduri, et al.. Flame retardancy of flax fibers by pre-irradiation grafting of a phosphonate monomer. Industrial Crops and Products, Elsevier, 2022, 176, pp.114334
Nour-Alhoda Masarra, Marcos Batistella, Jean‐christophe Quantin, Arnaud Regazzi, Monica Pucci, et al.. Fabrication of PLA/PCL/Graphene Nanoplatelet (GNP) Electrically Conductive Circuit Using the Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) 3D Printing Technique. Materials, MDPI, 2022, 15 (3), pp.762
Raíssa Carvalho Martins, Simone Pereira da Silva Ribeiro, Regina Sandra Veiga Nascimento, Marco Antonio Chaer Nascimento, Marcos Batistella, et al.. The influence of montmorillonite on the flame‐retarding properties of intumescent bio‐based PLA composites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Wiley, In press, pp.52243
Mohammed Hamza, Yuezhou Wei, Mahmoud Khalafalla, Neveen Abed, Amr Fouda, et al.. U(VI) and Th(IV) recovery using silica beads functionalized with urea- or thiourea-based polymers – Application to ore leachate. Science of the Total Environment, Elsevier, 2022, 821, pp.153184
Mohammed Hamza, Amr Fouda, Yuezhou Wei, Ibrahim El Aassy, Saad Alotaibi, et al.. Functionalized biobased composite for metal decontamination – Insight on uranium and application to water samples collected from wells in mining areas (Sinai, Egypt). Chemical Engineering Journal, Elsevier, 2022, 431, pp.133967
Mohammed Hamza, Doaa Hamad, Nora Hamad, Adel A-H. Abdel-Rahman, Amr Fouda, et al.. Functionalization of magnetic chitosan microparticles for high-performance removal of chromate from aqueous solutions and tannery effluent. Chemical Engineering Journal, Elsevier, 2022, 428, pp.131775
Mohammed Hamza, Khalid A.M. Salih, Adel A.-H. Abdel-Rahman, Yasser Zayed, Yuezhou Wei, et al.. Sulfonic-functionalized algal/PEI beads for scandium, cerium and holmium sorption from aqueous solutions (synthetic and industrial samples). Chemical Engineering Journal, Elsevier, 2021, 403, pp.126399
Asmaa Benettayeb, Amine Morsli, Khalid Elwakeel, Mohammed Hamza, Eric Guibal. Recovery of Heavy Metal Ions Using Magnetic Glycine-Modified Chitosan—Application to Aqueous Solutions and Tailing Leachate. Applied Sciences, MDPI, 2021, 11 (18), pp.8377
Camille Chapelle, Ghislain David, Sylvain Caillol, Claire Negrell, Sylvain Catrouillet, et al.. Surfactant properties of chemically modified chitooligosaccharides and their potential application in bitumen emulsions. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Elsevier, 2021, 628, pp.127327
Khalid Elwakeel, Ahmed Elgarahy, Abdullah Al-Bogami, Mohammed Hamza, Eric Guibal. 2-Mercaptobenzimidazole-functionalized chitosan for enhanced removal of methylene blue: batch and column studies. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Elsevier, 2021, 9 (4), pp.105609
Yue Zhang, Mohammed Hamza, Thierry Vincent, Jean-Claude Roux, Catherine Faur, et al.. Tuning the sorption properties of amidoxime-functionalized algal/polyethyleneimine beads for La(III) and Dy(III) using EDTA: Impact of metal speciation on selective separation. Chemical Engineering Journal, Elsevier, In press, pp.133214
BOKU University, Austria
Volkel, L; Beaumont, M; Johansson, LS; Czibula, C; Rusakov, D; Mautner, A; Teichert, C; Rosenau, T; Potthast, A. Manufacturing heat-damaged papers as model material for evaluating conservation methods. Cellulose 2022, accepted.
Bausch, F.; Owusu, D. D.; Graf, J.; Rosenau, T.; Potthast, A. Shine a Light on Papyrus: Monitoring the Aging Process. Herit Sci 2022, 10 (1), 51.
Potthast, A.; Ahn, K.; Becker, M.; Eichinger, T.; Kostić, M.; Böhmdorfer, S.; Jeong, M. J.; Rosenau, T. Acetylation of Cellulose – Another Pathway of Natural Cellulose Aging during Library Storage of Books and Papers. Carbohydrate Polymers 2022, 287, 119323.
Zaccaron, S.; Ahn, K.; Henniges, U.; Potthast, A.; Rosenau, T. An Improved, Less Erroneous Protocol for the Classical “Cuen”, “Cuoxam” or “Cadoxen” Viscosity Measurements of Pulps. Cellulose 2022.