Publications - March 2024
Aarhus University
- Portillo-Perez, G. A., Skov, K. B., & Martinez, M. M. (2024). Starch esterification using deep eutectic solvents as chaotropic agents and reaction promoters. Green Chemistry.
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
- Justin O. Zoppe. (2024) Cellulose Nanocrystal Allomorphs: Morphology, Self-Assembly, and Polymer End-Tethering toward Chiral Metamaterials, Accounts of Materials Research, Article ASAP,
Mid-Sweden University
- Wu, H., Zheng, Z., Zhang, K., Kajanus, J., Johansson, M. J., Córdova, A., & Bäckvall, J-. E. (2023). Heterogeneous copper-catalyzed cross-coupling for sustainable synthesis of chiral allenes: application to the synthesis of allenic natural products. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 62(50), e202314512.
- Dahlström, C., Eivazi, A., Nejström, M., Zhang, R., Pettersson, T., Iftikhar, H., Rojas, O. J., Medronho, B., & Norgren, M. (2024). Regenerated cellulose properties tailored for optimized triboelectric output and the effect of counter-tribolayers. Cellulose, 31, 2047-2061.
Friedrich Schiller University of Jena
- Gericke, M., Atmani, Z., Skodda, L. H., Heinze, T. (2024) Synthesis and characterization of polysaccharide carbamates and mixed carbamates with tunable water solubility. Carbohydrate Polymer Technologies and Applications, 10.1016/j.carpta.2024.100479.
- Würfel, H., Pfeifer, A., Heinze, T. (2024) Efficient heterogeneous synthesis of nucleophilic carboxymethyl hydrazides of polysaccharides, DOI: 10.1002/bip.23574.